The "Place Order" button opens an order form in your web browser that can be completed and sent directly to Next Level Design from your web browser.
In addition to test fields, there are "radio buttons" that should be selected with your mouse.
Also, there are 3 buttons at the bottom of the form as follows:
BROWSE - Use this to navigate to the file you wish to submit. If you want to submit multiple files you should place them in a folder on your computer and stuff the folder. This will make one compressed file that you can submit. You can also use our "Client Log In" to submit files to our ftp site.
PRINT - to print a copy of your order prior to submitting it.
SUBMIT - After completing the form and browsing to and selecting a file that you wish to attach, select the submit button to send your order and file to Next Level Design. A confirmation will be sent by e-mail that includes the information your provided in your order.
The "Client Log In" button opens a web based ftp application that provides an easy and secure method of transferring files between us. You have your own folder on our ftp server that requires a unique user name and password.
To obtain your current password or to request a specific user name and password, please call or e-mail us.
Click on the "Client Log In" button and enter your user name and password to launch the ftp application. You will then need to click on the connect button and enter them again.
Should you have problems, concerns, or if we can provide additional assistance, please contact us at your convenience.
The "Order Form.pdf" button opens a pdf copy of our order form. You can save a copy to your computer and print copies as needed.
If you need Acrobat Reader to open the pdf file, you can download a free copy at
Also, you can click on "Order Form" button? in the column to the left to connect to
After selecting the "Client Log In" button and opening the application by entering the user name and password, click on the "Connect" button at the bottom of the application window. You will see that the ftp server address and port numbers are already filled in. However, you must enter the user name and password again here as each client has a unique user name and password that links them to a secure folder on our ftp site that is for their use only.
Once you have connected to the ftp server, you will see the server address and folder name in the right window. In the left window you see your computer's files and folders.
In the left window, navigate to the file that you wish to transfer by selecting the drive/folder where it is located with the mouse. To open a drive or folder you can either double
click on them or click on the "Open" button to the left of the window.
Select the file/s you wish to transfer and either double click on it or click on the "upload" button at the bottom of the application window.
To download files, use the same actions as above but in the right window, using the right buttons or the "download" button instead of the "upload" button at the bottom of the application window.
When done, click on the "disconnect" button at the bottom of the application.
After selecting the "FTP" button and opening the application by entering the user name and password, click on the "Connect" button at the bottom of the application window. You will see that the ftp server eiders, port number, user name and password are already filled in. This connects the user to a general use folder on the ftp server. Click the "Connect" button next to that information to log onto the ftp server.
Once you have connected to the ftp server, you will see the server address and folder name in the right window. In the left window you see your computer's files and folders.
In the left window, navigate to the file that you wish to transfer by selecting the drive/folder where it is located with the mouse. To open a drive or folder you can either double click on them or click on the "Open" button
to the left of the window.
Select the file/s you wish to transfer and either double click on it or click on the "upload" button at the bottom of the application window.
To download files, use the same actions as above but in the right window, using the right buttons or the "download" button at the bottom of the application window instead of the "upload" button.
When done, click on the "disconnect" button at the bottom of the application.
The "STORE FRONT" button opens a new browser window that contains our on-line store front where you can find out more about our services and order them using a credit card or PayPal account.
Once you've logged in, you will be provided a user name and password making it easy to make future purchases and review past purchases and print previous invoices.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Many of our questions here are about how to use our website. Some cover other topics. Most are more relevant to our Yellow Pages business then to our Internet business.
We hope that you can find answers to your questions here or on our store front. If not, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. You can send us an e-mail anytime and our phones are open from 10am to 4pm central time on weekdays.
Please submit all design and content changes in writing. In order to avoid errors, we do not take changes over the phone.